You are the central contact for the further development of the topic of Loyalty programs in our BILLA CEE-countries
You play a key role in delivering our consumer strategy by being the overall owner of Loyalty program
Continuous optimization and further development of existing loyalty programmes whilst looking for opportunities to strategically develop and grow in the BILLA CEE-countries is your main task
You enable the BILLA CEE countries to defined strategy for rewards and benefits, tools, and tactics around how to acquire, engage, and retain customers to the Loyalty program
Uphold data governance standards and ensure data is captured consistently and appropriately across different touch points and channels and in compliance with the GDPR regulations
Ensuring strategy-compliant implementation of measures through regular performance assessments and targeted ad-hoc analyses
Interpretation of results and derivation of clear recommendations for action, which have a direct impact on performance improvements
Translation of the touchpoint strategies into suitable KPIs, definition of the relevant target values and responsibility for their representation in dashboards
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