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Institut für Chemie
PhD position at University of Graz - DC4: Development of novel, recyclable and lignin-based epoxyresins - within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN) RE-Fibre
Applications must be submitted on from 01.February 2025 at 17:00 central European time 2025 at 28 February 2025 at 17:00 central European time.
Offer Description
RE-Fibre is a Doctoral Network funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA-DN) that aims to revolutionize the bio-fibre composite landscape by designing high-performance, fully renewable, and recyclable wood and plant fibre composites, in full accordance with modern circular economy principles. RE-Fibre will train 11 Doctoral Candidates (DCs) with an entrepreneurial and sustainability-mindset in the disciplines of green chemistry, sustainable catalysis, lignin chemistry, biorefinery concepts & engineering, recyclable bio-based polymers, circular economy and materials, and environmental systems science.
The DCs will build on ground-breaking findings being generated at the RE-Fibre consortium, to enable the development of fully recyclable functional biobased composites with properties on par with fossil-based counterparts. They will gain competencies, not only in a breakthrough scientific fields but also in interdisciplinary and interpersonal skills. Additionally, they will expand their network and gain experience through participating in secondments (research stays at a site of an academic or industrial partner). Industrial placement for all DC candidates at a minimum of one industrial location is foreseen in the project. Finally, DCs will be actively engaged in creating best practices by developing online research and training tools, enabling them to work and collaborate across academic and industrial sectors. The RE-Fibre training will contribute to DCs employability as future leaders, while supporting the green transition and a sustainable circular economy in Europe.
Project title: Development of novel, recyclable and lignin-based epoxyresins
Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Katalin Barta (UG), Co-Supervisor: Dr. Vincent Placet (UMLP), Industrial Supervisor: Dr. Christian Kugge (SCA)
Project description: Epoxy resin thermosets (ERTs) constitute a crucial category of polymeric materials, renowned for their exceptional durability and thermal stability, making them essential in various industrial applications, including packaging, composite manufacturing, transportation, construction, and aviation. Despite these advantages, the strong covalent bonds within the cured ERT backbone render these materials generally non-recyclable, leading to unsustainable disposal practices such as incineration or landfilling.
DC4 will synthesise lignin-derived recyclable epoxy resins introducing an entirely new avenue in epoxy-thermoset recycling while maintaining competitive thermal-mechanical properties.
The Supervisory Board will pay special attention to respect gender balance.
Wir bieten:Wir bieten ein Jahresbruttogehalt auf Basis Vollzeit von mindestens € 52007.20 Eine Überzahlung je nach Qualifikation und Erfahrung ist möglich.
Die Universität Graz strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils an, insbesondere in Leitungsfunktionen und beim wissenschaftlichen Personal, und lädt deshalb qualifizierte Frauen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung ein. Im Falle der Unterrepräsentation werden Frauen bei gleicher Qualifikation grundsätzlich vorrangig aufgenommen. Wir freuen uns über Bewerbungen von Menschen mit Behinderung, die über eine ausschreibungsadäquate Qualifikation verfügen.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir Bewerbungen aufgrund der geltenden datenschutzrechtlichen Vorgaben ausschließlich über unser webbasiertes Bewerber:innen-Tool entgegennehmen können.
Über unsAn der Universität Graz arbeiten 4700 Mitarbeiter:innen gemeinsam an Zukunftsfragen und Lösungen für die Welt von morgen. Unsere Studierenden und unsere Forscher:innen stellen sich den großen Herausforderungen der Gesellschaft und tragen das Wissen hinaus. We work for tomorrow. Werden Sie Teil davon!
KontaktMain Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Katalin Barta (UG), Co-Supervisor: Dr. Jaap van Hal (TNO), Industrial Supervisor: Dr. Jean-Pierre Lindner (BASF)
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