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Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN) Complex Lipid Membranes for Science and Technology (CLIMB) Institut für Molekulare Biowissenschaften
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Institut für Molekulare Biowissenschaften

Doctoral Candidate position at University of Graz within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN) Complex Lipid Membranes for Science and Technology (CLIMB)

Veröffentlichung: 18.12.2024
Stellenprofil: Universitätsassistent:in ohne Doktorat
Stellenart: Wissenschaftliches Personal - Fluktuationsstelle
Brutto Jahresgehalt: € 52.007,20
Wochenstunden: 40 h/W Bewerbungsfrist: 26.02.2025
Verwendungsgruppe: B1 ohne Doktorat
Dienstbeginn: 01.06.2025
Anstellungsverhältnis: Befristet
Befristung: 3 Jahre Ihre Aufgaben:

PhD position at University of Graz – DC6: Custom-Designed Asymmetric Unilamellar Vesicles Mimicking Plasma Membranes - within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Doctoral Network (MSCA-DN) Complex Lipid Membranes for Science and Technology (CLIMB)

Offer Description

CLIMB brings together leading research laboratories with expertise spanning chemistry, physics, biology, and computational sciences. The project focuses on studying the complex interplay between lipid composition, structural properties, and membrane-driven interactions, with the aim of developing advanced lipid-based materials for a variety of applications. Key research themes include:

  • Understanding the role of lipid compositional complexity in membrane properties and functions.
  • Developing lipid nanomaterials for use in mRNA delivery systems, bio-sensors, and sustainable formulations.
  • Physicochemical characterization of aggregates formed by novel lipid mixtures, including natural extracts and polymer/peptoid coatings.

Doctoral Candidates will benefit from a rich, multidisciplinary training environment, with opportunities to collaborate with both small and large industrial partners, contributing to cutting-edge research with real-world applications.

PhD positions can be filled as of June 2025. The latest time to start the position is October 2025. Selected candidates will engage in multidisciplinary research, participate in international secondments across academic and industrial settings, and contribute to high-impact publications and conferences.

Project title: Custom-Designed Asymmetric Unilamellar Vesicles Mimicking Plasma Membranes

Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Georg Pabst (UG), Co-Supervisor: Dr. Lionel Porcar (ILL, Grenoble, France)

Project description: The plasma membranes of living cells exhibit a transbilayer asymmetric distribution of phospholipids, a key feature that influences numerous biological functions. While several protocols have been developed to create lipid-only asymmetric membranes and study their unique properties, precise engineering of membranes with tailored lipid compositions remains a challenge. This limitation hinders both fundamental research and the potential pharmacological applications of such systems.

In this project, the doctoral candidate will employ cyclodextrin-mediated lipid exchange, combined with advanced nanoanalytical techniques, to fabricate custom-designed asymmetric lipid vesicles. This approach will pave the way for a deeper understanding of membrane asymmetry and its implications in biomedical research.


  • Map out rules for deterministic production of asymmetric large unilamellar vesicles (aLUVs), using methlyated cyclodextrin of different sizes using a combination of experimental techniques (ITC, HPTLC, SANS, solution NMR)
  • Production of aLUVs with composition mimicking reported lipidomics data for mammalian and bacterial plasma membranes
  • In-depth leaflet-specific structural analysis of aLUVs via multiscale modelling of SAXS, SANS and NMR data

International Secondments:

The doctoral candidate will undertake international secondments, gaining hands-on experience in academic and industrial settings. These secondments are key to knowledge transfer and cross-sector collaboration within the CLIMB network.

  • Institute Laue Langevin, France (3 months) training in SANS and lipid deuteration)
  • Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel (3 months) training in cryo-EM imaging of aLUVs (the political evolvement in the region is monitored and may require amendments of this secondment)
  • NanoMol Technologies SL, Spain (2 months) training in DELOS technology for production of aLUVs

Multidisciplinary Training: Doctoral candidates will receive comprehensive training in lipid science, advanced experimental methods, and computational modelling or simulations. This training will equip students with a broad skill set, preparing them for careers in academia or industry.

Personalized Career Development Plans: The candidate will receive personalized mentoring and career development plans tailored to their research goals. This includes training in scientific, technical, and transferable skills, ensuring that doctoral candidates are well-prepared for future career opportunities.

Ihr Profil:
  • Required education level: Master's degree in Physics/Biophysics, Physical Chemistry
  • Additional skills:
    • Strong background in data analysis (mathematics) and design of optimization algorithms (python coding)
    • Experience in planning and performing experiments (preferably SAXS, SANS)
    • Excellent communication skills in English (oral and written)
    • Teamworking
    • Fully committed to work in a highly interdisciplinary research area (physics, chemistry, biology, pharmaceutical sciences)

Specific Eligibility Criteria of MSCA-DN Programme:

  • Doctoral Candidates must not yet been awarded a doctoral degree at the date of the recruitment.
  • Doctoral Candidates must have not resided or carried out main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the host beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the recruitment date.
  • Doctoral Candidates must be able to understand and express themselves in both written and spoken English.
Wir bieten:
  • Sinn: Wir bieten sinnstiftende Arbeit für die Welt von morgen.
  • Unser internes Weiterbildungsangebot ist so bunt wie die Universität.
  • Zusammenarbeit: Bei uns finden Sie interdisziplinäre, berufsgruppenübergreifende Möglichkeiten zur Zusammenarbeit.
  • Benefits: Selbstverständlich gibt es alle gängigen Benefits von A wie Altersteilzeit bis Z wie Zumbakurse am Universitätssportinstitut (USI).
  • Vielfalt: Neben der inhaltlichen Vielfalt der verschiedenen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen bieten wir ein Arbeitsumfeld, in dem Diversity gelebt wird und einen hohen Stellenwert einnimmt.
  • Flexibilität: Flexibilität beweisen wir nicht nur mit den verschiedenen Arbeitszeitmodellen sondern auch mit den Angeboten zur Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf.

Wir bieten ein Jahresbruttogehalt auf Basis Vollzeit von mindestens € 52.007,20 Eine Überzahlung je nach Qualifikation und Erfahrung ist möglich.

Die Universität Graz strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils an, insbesondere in Leitungsfunktionen und beim wissenschaftlichen Personal, und lädt deshalb qualifizierte Frauen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung ein. Im Falle der Unterrepräsentation werden Frauen bei gleicher Qualifikation grundsätzlich vorrangig aufgenommen. Wir freuen uns über Bewerbungen von Menschen mit Behinderung, die über eine ausschreibungsadäquate Qualifikation verfügen.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir Bewerbungen aufgrund der geltenden datenschutzrechtlichen Vorgaben ausschließlich über unser webbasiertes Bewerber:innen-Tool entgegennehmen können.

Über uns

An der Universität Graz arbeiten 4700 Mitarbeiter:innen gemeinsam an Zukunftsfragen und Lösungen für die Welt von morgen. Unsere Studierenden und unsere Forscher:innen stellen sich den großen Herausforderungen der Gesellschaft und tragen das Wissen hinaus. We work for tomorrow. Werden Sie Teil davon!


Main Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Georg Pabst (UG), Co-Supervisor: Dr. Lionel Porcar (ILL, Grenoble, France)

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