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... technische Ausbildung (Lehre / Fachschule) im Bereich Maschinenbau, Metallbearbeitungstechnik, Feinmechanik oder Mechatronik Kenntnisse im WIG-Schweißen und Löten von Vorteil Technische ...
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... move fast and we put our heart into everything we do. We're a bunch of incredibly fun, quirky and ambitious people with a whole lot of fresh ideas — and we think you'll fit right ...
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... made by Hottgenroth: From the idea to the finished product: in our team of more than 200 employees, everyone makes an important contribution to our joint success. We still have a lot ...
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... move fast and we put our heart into everything we do. We're a bunch of incredibly fun, quirky and ambitious people with a whole lot of fresh ideas — and we think you'll fit right ...
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... with a lot of freedom to create. Modern working atmosphere and centrally located office with great public transport connection. Constant learning with many possibilities and offers ...
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... flexible working models and the possibility for home office on-site restaurant a parking lot if needed corporate health promotion programs, pension plan, sport activities and further ...
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/Instagram) Media Buyer who loves to take on challenges, work hard, and earn a lot ( performance bonuses). It doesn't matter if you don't have a lot of experience - we will train you. Your ...
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... (Facebook/Instagram) Media Buyer who loves to take on challenges, work hard, and earn a lot ( performance bonuses). It doesn't matter if you don't have a lot of experience - we will train ...
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, knowledge of a third language is advantageous. Benefits Exciting playground - different ventures, industries, apps and digital solutions with a lot of creative freedom. Well-established ... has strong Mac preference) We like to work with the latest software, if you know any newer ones, we'll test them Flat hierarchies with lots of exchange and communication. Your input ...
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... advantageous Benefits Exciting playground - different startups, industries, apps and digital solutions with a lot of creative freedom. Well-established, international team with extensive ... work with the latest software, if you know any newer ones, we'll test them Flat hierarchies with lots of exchange and communication. Your input will find open ears - no matter if it ...
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