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... Wege schaffen. Heute. Für morgen. Für uns. Jetzt Teil des TeamOEBB werden Dein Job, du arbeitest im innovativen und zukunftsweisenden Geschäftsfeld BusinessDevelopment | Mikro-ÖV ...
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... Jahre Berufserfahrung im (Key) Account Management, BusinessDevelopment Management, (Area) Sales Management oder in anderen technischen Vertriebspositionen in industrienahen Sektoren ...
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... in einem überschaubaren Sales Mannschaft eine faire und ernsthafte Chance für eine erfolgreiche BusinessDevelopment Tätigkeit in einem krisensicheren Industriesegment mit einem kompetenten Team ...
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... in einem überschaubaren Sales Mannschaft eine faire und ernsthafte Chance für eine erfolgreiche BusinessDevelopment Tätigkeit in einem krisensicheren Industriesegment mit einem kompetenten Team ...
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. Experience in team leadership or PhD supervision is highly desirable. Effective in strategy development is an advantage. Strong track record in businessdevelopment and winning projects. If ...
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... supervision is highly desirable. Effective in strategy development is an advantage. Strong track record in businessdevelopment and winning projects. If you are ready to take your career to ...
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... optimization You will be proactively supported by our experienced coaches and in-house trainers A recent graduate or in the final phase of their studies (e.g. IT related, Business Informatics ... ) Passionate about software development and web technologies Interest in IT projects and agile frameworks Communicative personality who likes working autonomously as well as in a team ...
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, social arrangements and personal development. Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly-motivated team. Office location surrounded by the sea ...
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, social arrangements and personal development. Dynamic business casual environment with colleagues of all ages gathered in a highly-motivated team. Office location surrounded by the sea ...
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... aspects within our Pumps division. With your big picture thinking, you independently develop a wide range of topics and contribute to the sustainable development of the business beyond ... successful business, you've come to the right place We are looking for a Global R&D Controller (m/f/d) who knows how to deal with numbers and also has a passion for strategic development of ...
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